Old Palm Golf Club - Vision 2025
Vision 2025 Strategic Plan Old Palm Golf Club March 2020
Strategic Initiative: Communications to Drive Engagement Upgrade and contemporize all internal and external communications to drive engagement among our members and to maintain a positive image of our brand among leading clubs and communities. Strategies: Develop and maintain a well-informed membership. Increase use and participation.
Promote engagement in our life enhancing programs. Maintain a positive club and community brand image. Create alignment among our membership. Involve the membership in key decisions. Action Plans: Upgrade the Club’s communications with all stakeholders:
o Assign a Board member to oversee a communications plan for the Club. o Assign a staff person to be responsible for executing the communications plan for all communications. o Create a written communications plan that identifies the overall strategy, method and frequency for producing content for internal business and marketing aspects of the Club and external member development communications. o Utilize the full range of communication tools available to ensure that the membership and prospective members are informed and engaged in the Club. o Make greater use of social media to drive awareness of club membership, events and usage. o Periodically communicate the status and progress in implementing the strategic initiatives described in this plan and our status and progress in achieving our long-term goals. o Consider publishing quarterly reports to the membership focused solely on key policy and financial issues that the Board has considered or enacted over the prior quarter.
Responsible: Board Representative and Communications Director Timing: Ongoing
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