Old Palm Golf Club - Vision 2025

Vision 2025 Strategic Plan   Old Palm Golf Club  March 2020 


 In order to realize the benefits of the Strategic Plan, it should be adopted by the Board as the official vision of the future and monitored regularly for progress toward the goals. As such, the following recommendations are made to ensure successful implementation of the Strategic Plan: o A member of the Board should be appointed to work with the general manager to monitor and implement the Strategic Plan and coordinate the activities of the executive staff, standing Committees and task forces working on the strategic initiatives. o Standing Committees should be briefed on the contents of the plan to provide greater organizational clarity and help marshal their efforts toward accomplishing the goals of the plan. o The Strategic Plan should be reviewed and discussed at the regular monthly Board meetings. Progress toward the goals of the plan should be reviewed and new goals established at an annual Board Retreat timed with changes in administrations. o The concept of strategic planning and highlights of the plan should be communicated to the membership. Periodically, progress toward the goals of the plan should also be communicated to the membership.



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