Old Palm Golf Club - Vision 2025
Vision 2025 Strategic Plan Old Palm Golf Club March 2020
Club Threats (Largely external issues that we must monitor for their impact on our long- term plans): Economic downturn/drop in stock market. Failure to address our aging infrastructure. Weak real estate market/no new home construction. Failure to modernize or execute a renovation program. Adverse changes to tax laws. Poor result from HOA litigation. Losing top leadership team. Declining interest in golf in society. Failure to be thoughtful and inclusive with members in major, expensive decisions. Get off track/lose clarity of purpose. Not staying on top of club industry, culinary, golf course and technology trends.
Club Opportunities (An area where the Club can improve satisfaction or its competitive position): Develop master plans to guide phased improvements to the facilities and golf course. Develop a pub/gathering spot and casual dining venue to respond to members’ survey feedback. Upgrade the Men’s Grill. Improve the golf course, especially the green complexes and bunkers. Identify and follow a governance model that creates alignment towards our vision. Align the organization chart with the scope of operations and programming. Develop a communications plans and make better use of technology to increase engagement. Grow revenue and initiation fees through increased engagement. Create a compelling offering for the next generation of members. Develop cohesive membership plan and marketing strategy. Expand the social activities and concierge program. Improve the golf experience through better service and improved programming.
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